Creating A Curriculum Express Ordering Account

What are the benefits of creating an account with Curriculum Express?

  • Easy access to your previous orders
  • Manage your shipping and billing addresses
  • Ability to view any downloadable products
  • Save and manage your payment method


How do I create an account?

  • First, shop for what you are looking for and click on the orange “ADD TO CART” button to add the items you want

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  • When you have added all items to your cart and are ready to complete your order select View Cart or click on the cart in the upper right corner of your screen.

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  • The cart will open and you will be able to view the items you have placed into the cart.   Upon verifying that you have the desired items, click the orange “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT” button.

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  • Complete the required information.  Then check the box next to “Create an account?” located under the “Email address” field.
    1. You will then be asked to create a 12-character account password.
    2. Once the password is completed, proceed with entering the payment method and “Place Order”


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  • Once the order is placed, the screen will state “Order Complete” and you will have access to your account by clicking on “My Account” at the top right of your screen.


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  • You will also receive two emails from [email protected]
    1. One email with the details of your order
    2. One email notifying you of your account being created


If you have any questions or issues creating your account, please place a support ticket with us.